Monday, March 28, 2016

Energy Efficiency Makes Big Changes in Your Budget

Norfolk Electrician Help Homes & Offices Run Efficiently

small tree with houses in backgroundSaving money and protecting the environment are two of the top concerns for consumers. Even with fuel and energy prices going down, people still have to follow a budget. Plus they want to be responsible while they cut costs. Nipper Electric wants to help you lower your bills and your impact on the environment. We are proud to be the Virginia Beach area’s top green electricians. We offer many services to help you make your home energy efficient, including:

  • Lighting Upgrades

  • Solar Panel Installations

  • LED Conversions

  • Electrical Troubleshooting

  • Relamping

  • Vehicle Charging Stations

  • Energy Use Inspections

Conserving Energy and our environment are very important to the team at Nipper Electric. We want to help you turn your home or office environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Don’t worry, these changes won’t hurt, but they will take a bite out of your power bill.

Start Small Save Big

Luckily, there are many household gadgets and little changes that can help you save money and the environment at the same time. Sometimes it’s difficult to make changes. It’s okay to start off small and add bigger things as you go along. Nipper Electric is a trusted environmentally friendly Virginia Beach electrician who can guide you through these changes.

Courtesy of

saving energy infographicA few changes you can make to start your energy savings are:

Light bulbs– Changing a light bulb from standard light bulbs to more energy efficient bulbs can make big changes in your wallet. If you just start with just a few of your most used light bulbs you can save as much as $75 every year. There are several different options to choose from to suit your style and needs. Though most energy efficient lighting, like CFLs or LEDs, cost more, they last longer and save a lot more money during their lifetime. You can even check out this chart, to see how much you could save from each type of light bulb.


shower headLow Flow Shower and faucet heads- Changing your shower or sink heads can cut back drastically on your water use.  Showerheads and faucet heads can cost anywhere from a few dollars to a $100, and installations are simple. Also, you can start saving almost 50% of your water heating costs, which means even lower energy bills.

Charging Stations & Power Strips– One of the biggest drains on your power and your pocket is something you never even noticed. Phantom power is the energy that is consumed when items are plugged in but not being used. Keeping all devices in one spot helps with phantom power drain. Nipper Electric also offers USB Port and Receptacle installations to help control charging. Two more solutions include installing a smart charging station or a power strip. These gadgets will turn off phantom power either when devices are done charging, when not in use or after a certain amount of time. Charging stations and Power Strips run from $30 to several hundred. Professional Electricians can properly install and set up power strips to add value to your home.

Smart Thermostats– Programmable or Smart Thermostats can quickly lower heating and cooling costs, which make up around 40% of your energy costs. These devices can be purchased from around $25 to a few hundred for Smart wired devices.  The great thing about this change is that you probably won’t feel the difference. The thermostat will still keep you comfortable but just turn off when you are away.

Start Saving Now

No matter what changes you decide to make, you will start saving immediately. Little changes will make big differences over time and you will see a definite change in your bills. Nipper Electric is an experienced electrician who can help you make energy efficient changes, not matter how big or small. Call us today at 757-842-1710 to get started saving money on your energy bill or make an appointment online.

Energy Efficiency Makes Big Changes in Your Budget

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Dimmer Installation

Get Affordable Dimmer Installation in Norfolk, VA

light-bulb-and-dimmer-switchDimmer Installations create energy efficient lighting with variety. With dimmers, you can transform any room at any time. They help protect the environment and save you money.

Nipper Electric provides dimmer installations for any area of your home, business or commercial buildings. We bring you the best service in Norfolk, VA and surrounding areas. Our work and reputation speaks for itself.

  • Over 15 years of local customer satisfaction.

  • State licenses in Class B Contractor, Master Electrician, and Electrical work.

  • Members of the NECA (National Electrical Contractors Association).


  • Clear Cut Pricing to take the guess work out of electrical billing.

  • Warranties on Labor

Nipper Electric transforms your home with dependable, professional electrical dimmer services in the Virginia Beach area.

What are Dimmers?

dimmer-switchDimmers can be added onto lighting to adjust the light’s brightness. They work by altering the voltage waveforms that are sent through the light. Many dimmers are fitted for installation to your standard wall box. This allows for quick set-ups. Dimmers can be controlled by a simple switch, remote controls or with timers.


Timers are great; to include with your dimmer installation or for other electrical installations. They can be used for many different reasons:

  • Indoor Lighting Timers – Helps with bedtimes or sleep patterns. Can also be used to ward off criminals by changing lights during vulnerable times, like sleeping, vacations or off times.

  • Energy Saving Adjustments – Can adjust lighting automatically as natural lighting sources fade so lights aren’t being run at full power during the day. Nipper Electric knows how to set up your lights for maximum energy saving.

  • Outdoor Lighting Timers – Lights pathways for nighttime safety and deters criminals when buildings are empty or people are sleeping.

  • Exhaust Fan Timers – Exhaust fans help expel moisture from the air in areas like our bathrooms. Exhaust fans can be set to run after your shower or cooking, giving you the best results without losing money.


Benefits of Dimmer Installations

The quick and easy installation of dimmers bring a world of difference to your home, here are a few reasons why.

  1. Adjustable – Lighting helps your home or office be comfortable and productive by:

  • Adding many degrees of lighting.

  • Helping you compliment and use natural light while saving energy.

  • Adjust the mood of a room with a simple touch.

  • Create individualized lighting for each person and each situation.


  1. Energy Efficient – By using just the right amount of light, dimmers help save energy and control waste.

  • Uses less energy, even at the highest setting.

  • Adds life to your light bulb. Even if you haven’t switched to solar or energy efficient lighting, a dimmer will add up to 20x more life to your bulb.

  • Lower energy demands. Lower energy demands mean lower energy production and consumption, leaving the earth a little healthier each time you dim your light.


Saves Money

neon-bulb-on-coinsDimmers can save you money in many ways. These are just few that are obvious but neglected so many times:

  • Adjust lighting to personal preference so you aren’t using more light than you need.

  • Create one main source of light with multiple abilities so you don’t have to use many different light sources.

  • Can lower energy usage by about 20%, regardless of what bulb you use. Lower energy usage means lower bills.

  • Longer lasting bulbs mean you buy fewer bulbs.

  • When used with timers, dimmers can stop lights being left on, adjust lights to the perfect setting in offices and homes throughout the day and lower light usage.


Leave It to Us

Electrical work can be confusing and dangerous. When it comes to electrical work in your home or office, you can leave all the hard work and installations to us. Nipper Electric provides professional and dependable lighting installations, residential, commercial, municipal, and everything in between. No job is too big or too small for us to handle. Call us today at 757-842-1710. You can even make an appointment online while you relax. We can’t wait to get your dimmers started!

Dimmer Installation

Test Post from Nipper Electric

Test Post from Nipper Electric