Monday, August 29, 2016

End of Summer Clean Up

Professional Electricians Prepare Families for Fall

At the end of every season and the beginning of a new season, clean up and preparation must be done.  Nipper Electric can help you with repairs, installations, additions or improvements as you move from summer to fall. Some of our services include:

  • Generac Installation - NipperElectricElectrical Troubleshooting

  • Repairing Wiring

  • Electrical Installations

  • Generator Installations

  • Lighting Upgrades

No matter what you find during your summer and fall check-ups, we can help you solve it. No job is too big or too small for our professionals.

Why do a Summer Clean Up?

During summer, heat, storms, rain, and excessive electrical use can all take a toll on home and office electrical systems. It is important to do a quick check of all indoor and outdoor electrical wiring, plugs and circuitry.

Indoor Check-Ups

In summer, Air conditioners run full blast. Kids on summer break will run more devices and keep them charging during the day. TVs get a major work out. This increased demand can be hard on the circuits, wiring and general well-being of your electrical system. Here are a few things consider:

  • Signs of Bad Wiring – If wires are loose during summer time when they expand, they are sure to cause big problems in winter and fall as they constrict. Be certain to run a diagnostic on your wiring, watch for:
    • Sparking

    • Hot Receptacles

    • Arcing

    • Flickering Lights

  • Overloaded Panels – If your electrical demand has increased during summer, your panel is sure to have felt it. Check to make sure the circuits are working or look into upgrading your panel.

  • Air Conditioning/Heating Issues – If your air conditioning or heater isn’t running properly, it can drag a lot of electricity from your power and cause giant bills. Make sure to go over heating and cooling and be certain they are working properly.

  • Energy Efficient Additions – After paying high electrical bills all summer, it’s a good idea to start looking for some energy efficient adjustments to your home. Even though energy consumption drops during fall, it picks up drastically again in winter. Be prepared with energy efficient options like:
    • LED Conversions

    • Dimmers

    • Timers

    • Programmable Thermostats

    • Solar Panels

    • Energy Efficient Lighting


Your outside electrical outlets and systems need special attention after summer. The heat and extreme weather of summer can be really damaging for outdoor wires and cables. Loose wiring, cables  or receptacles can bring dangerous problems to your home.  

Check these issues to stay safe:

  • short electrical pannelWeatherheads – The area where electrical lines meet your wiring is known as a Weatherhead. Storms and heat can cause damage to Weatherhead connections. These damages can lead to electrocutions, fires or worn wiring.

  • Frayed Wiring/Cables – Any outside frayed wiring is potentially dangerous. But, this is especially true for areas near water. Check electrical around pools, ponds, water hoses, ponds or any water feature.

  • Receptacles – All outdoor wiring should be GFCI plugs. Though these plugs are safer, they too can become damaged. Make sure all outdoor outlets haven’t grown loose or become damaged. If you don’t currently have GFCI outlets near water sources, make sure you update them with receptacle installations. Nipper Electric is familiar with all Virginia Beach electrical code and skilled in installations and upgrades.

Keeping Your Home Safe, Season after Season

Crew member Nipper Electric IncVirginia Beach has incredible summers, full of sun and fun. These same summers can come with powerful weather that can damage your electrical systems. Nipper Electric works hard to keep Virginia Beach homes safe every season. Don’t hesitate to bring us all your questions. Call us today at 757-842-1710 if you need to run electrical diagnostics or you’ve found some issues on your season check-up. You can even make an appointment online while you relax.

End of Summer Clean Up

Monday, August 22, 2016

Protect Your Home Form Summer Storms & Power Surges

Trusted Electricians Help You Get Prepared

Late summer days bring thunderstorms and lightning. This extreme weather can wreak havoc on your electrical system, special devices and even cause fires. More people are at home using more electricity, this can also lead to special electrical issues in your home. Virginia Beach trusted electricians, Nipper Electric help prevent damage and provide protection to your home and devices. We are the preferred electrician in the Virginia Beach area for almost 18 years. We offer:

  • lightning strikeLicensed and Experienced Electricians

  • Same Day Services Available

  • Free Estimates

  • Clear-Cut Pricing

  • Work  Guarantee

  • Trusted Brands, Siemens, G.E., Square D, Generac and more

  • Warranties on Labor

  • Discounts for Military, Police, Teachers and Senior Citizens and Firemen

You can trust your home or office with us for any issues. There’s no job too big or too small, we do them all with friendly, efficient work. Our team loves keeping the Virginia Beach area safe.

How Electrical Damage Occurs

There are many things that can create electrical damage to your home. The most difficult ones to prepare for involve lightning and power surges.

Lightning –As lightning strikes, it is looking for the easiest  path to the ground. Unfortunately, homes and businesses offer many potential routes to the ground.  Not only that, but lightning can jump from one conductive supplier to another. This puts the house in considerable danger, these dangers include:

  • outdoor main electric panelsShock Waves: The power felt from thunder can actually break things that are close by, including windows, walls, and even concrete.

  • Fire: It is not uncommon for attics or roofs to be set on fire if hit by lightning. But your electrical can also become a fire hazard if the lightning has coursed through it. Connections will be weakened, wires may have been burned up or warped. It is important that you check these issues immediately after any storm or any strange occurrences in your electrical systems.

  • Wear and Tear: It may go unnoticed, but after any storm there could be wear and tear on your weatherhead, power lines, electrical outlets or even wiring. Nipper Electric is available to help diagnose issues for your home or business.

Prevention and Preparation for Lightning : It’s hard to protect or prepare for lightning to strike because you never know when or how it might hit your home. Your best options are:

  • Make sure your home electrical is in good shape.

  • Keep trees trimmed and away from power lines and cables.

  • Check power lines, weatherheads, cables and any area where power enters the home.

  • Consider installing a generator to help protect devices from power outages.

Power Surges & Spikes-Power surges or spikes create an extra flood of power through your electrical system, striking can happen quickly and without warning. The damage they do to devices is often irreversible. Here are some common cause of power surges:

  • Lightning: That’s right, lightning can create a power surge in your home that will run through your electrical system and often fry your wires.

  • Bad Wiring- While bad wiring doesn’t cause power surges, it does lower the ability of your electrical system to withstand surges.

  • High Demand Devices- Your big electricity consumers, like space heaters, refrigerators, stoves, or air conditioners, can also create a power surge.

Prevention and Protection from Power Surges: When it comes to these power surges, there are many options to prevent power surges or provide protection against them.

  • Double check wiring. Watch for signs of faulty wiring like flickering lights, hot outlets or sparking plugs. Have these issues addressed immediately by a trusted electrician like Nipper Electric.

  • Track your electrical usage and make sure your panel is able to handle the electrical load. If not, look into adding another panel or upgrading the one you have.

  • Install a whole house surge protector kit. These kits help protect devices like computers, smart TVs, refrigerators and more. They work by slowing down or draining surges as they occur. This diverts them from other electrical devices.

Prevention and Protection for Your Home

NipperElectric logoElectrical issues happen, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work to be prepared. Nipper Electric works with our clients to provide protection or if needed, repairs to systems at reasonable prices. We want to make sure your home or office is safe. Call us at 757-842-1710 today or make an appointment online to start protecting your home.

Protect Your Home Form Summer Storms & Power Surges

Friday, August 19, 2016

Why Electrical Panel Upgrade

This article will address following:

  1. Why upgrade electrical panel

  2. How long of a process is panel upgrade

  3. What type of electrical panel services exist

  4. Cost of electrical panel upgrade

  5. Electrical panel upgrade VS. electrical panel replacement

  6. How To Upgrade Electrical Panel Step-by-Step

1) Why upgrade electrical panel

200 Amp Electrical panel-Breaker boxThere are many reasons Today in the year 2016 as to why you would ask yourself, should I get an upgrade for my electrical panel. Nevertheless this is the technology era. Every imaginable idea can and eventually will become an electronic gadget that we will need power brought to in our home. This truth is only growing with more gadgets, bigger, better appliances and an overall need for more power. Simple as that! Old panels that were installed in 70’s were 100 amps. Today it is recommended and the most commonly installed electrical panel upgrade is 200amp. These reasons can come from both functional and financial point of view. Electrical panel has gotten many names over the years (breaker panel, circuit breaker panel, breaker box, etc.) you can refer to Wikipedia for the full list.

2) How long of a process is panel upgrade

First and foremost we want customers to know that during the process of a breaker box upgrade or electrical panel upgrade, they will be without power for not more than 8 hours.  This is the amount of time that takes to perform panel upgrade. The project will be started in the morning and electricity will be restored by the afternoon.

If performing a complete electrical service upgrade where the utility electrical meter base is also replaced or upgraded; customers will have the power inspected by the city or locality and back on the same day as the electrical panel installation was started. With coordination through the city inspectors; the power will be safely cut back on;installation of the breaker box upgrade will be to NEC (national electrical code) and temporarily wired through the new meter base from the old meter base. The permanent replacement is by the utility company. It will happen within 2 weeks based on the utility companies availability.

Time breakdown:

  • Typically 1 day for temporarily wired meter installation

  • Typically 1 day for panel replacement or electrical panel upgrade

  • Typically  2-3 business days for the city electrical inspection and release to the utility company to permanently reconnect

  • Typically 10 – 14 days for utility company to reconnect power

3) What type of electrical panel service are available

As we briefly mention above in old days they were installing electrical panels with a lot lower amps.  Back in the day homes did not have as many gadgets, appliances, or overall electrical demand and quite frankly a 100 amp electrical panel was plenty. Today’s era the situation is a lot different. Following is the breakdown of amps and their progression by decade:

  • 50’s – 40amps

  • 60’s – 60amps

  • 70’s – 100amps

  • 80’s -150amps

  • 90’s plus  – 200amp

Keep in mind these are not mandatory and even today there are homes that are build with less than 200amps (Which is rare) . There are also panels with a lot higher amps which are used in commercial buildings, mansions, museums, malls. Available recommended electrical panels are:

  • 200 Amp -> recommended for newly build and/or remodeled residential homes

  • 400 Amp -> recommended for very large homes and small commercial buildings

  • 1200 Amp -> EX. Grocery stores

  • 1600 Amp -> EX. Small shopping centers

  • 2000 Amp -> Ex. Larger shopping centers

  • 6000 Amp -> Skyscrapers; This is the largest electrical service you will ever see; after this they just create more electrical services different locations on the building.

Project is performed by the electrical contractor to the NEC, inspected by the City, released to the utility company for permanent reconnection.

4) Cost of electrical panel upgrade

Cost to upgrade electrical panels vary by amps. Ex. 100 amps to 200 amps vs. 200 amps to 400 amps will vary because of the size increase. The cost is also affected by the city you live in due to the labor cost of that particular area. The price will consist of the breaker box or electrical panel itself, new service entrance cable if needed, new breakers, upgraded grounding system to meet new NEC code requirements, and other materials purchased and of course the labor to install the electrical service upgrade. There could also be significant additional cost due to old wiring, worn outlets, damaged circuits, old fixtures that are outdated and other. These upgrades can significantly increase the cost of the electrical panel services. Generally we see following cost to upgrade electrical

  • 100 to 200 amp electrical panel replacement is     $1499.00

  • 100 to 200 amp electrical service upgrade is         $1898.00

5) Electrical panel upgrade VS. electrical panel replacement

braker boxSimply, electrical panel replacement is just a replacement of your breaker box along with the new beakers. Typically this takes around 8 hours and your power is restored the same day. Typically there are no city inspection or permits required for this work. It is important that the work is being performed by state certified electrician and that they start work in the morning. This will ensure completion and electricity being restored by the afternoon.


electrical meter base1On the other hand an electrical panel upgrade is in addition to the new electrical panel and breakers will include new wiring with new service cable wires  from the meter to the panel & new meter box. Also an include is an upgraded grounding system required by the NEC when the electrical service is upgraded. Electrical panel replacement will typically not include any work on the meter base (picture on the right).

6) How To Upgrade Electrical Panel Step-by-Step

Generally there are around 10 to 15 steps to perform complete electrical service upgrade from start to finish:

  1. Install temporarily wired meter

  2. Completely sever wires inside existing electrical panel

  3. Remove old electrical panel from the wall

  4. Prepare and secure the area for mounting a new larger electrical panel.
    1. EX. – increasing the area with new larger panel 3/4 -inch plywood.

    2. EX – measure the length and width of the new electrical panel and cut the drywall to match the size of the new breaker box and fasten the new panel to the studs

  5. Feed the SE cable through the top of the new electrical panel

  6. Screw the panel to the plywood and ensure the panel is level

  7. Feed all the house circuits into the new electrical panel, ensure each cable passes through a cable connector

  8. Connect the bare-copper ground wires and white-insulated wires to the ground and neutral bar inside the panel.

  9. Install new circuit breakers into the bus bar

  10. Label each circuit breaker with the correct house circuit

  11. Run the main ground line from the bottom of the electrical panel to the copper water main

  12. Schedule city electrical inspection

  13. Request utility company to reconnect the electrical cables to the meter on the exterior of the house.

  14. Remove temporarily installed wired meter

On the large project such as commercial and industrial size there will be a lot of materials that will have to be disposed when replacing and performing panel upgrade. Therefore use of a roll off dumpster is very practical and can save a lot of time disposing of old wires,  studs & drywall leftovers, outdated old fixtures and panels.

Nipper Electric will help you, guide you, install, replace and upgrade electrical panel. Call us today at 757-842-1710, or make an appointment online to schedule free consultation. We’ll have your new panel installed before you know it.

Why Electrical Panel Upgrade



Monday, August 15, 2016

Staying Green for Summer

Professional Electricians Can Help You Save Money and Energy

During summer, a lot of us have said goodbye to our budgets. Pool parties, vacations, trips to the beach and cruises on the boat can all take a toll on our bank account. However, there are plenty of ways you can cut back on your electric bill and even give back to the environment. Some of these tricks may even make you money! Nipper Electric is the trusted Virginia Beach electrician for environmentally friendly energy. We pride ourselves on staying up to date with cutting edge green technology services, like:

  • water splashing on beachElectric Vehicle Charging Station Installations

  • Solar Outdoor Security Lighting

  • Solar Panel Installations

  • LED Light Conversions

  • Programmable Thermostats

Let us help you get your budget back in order and bring more green to your energy use.

Simple Changes Make A Difference

You don’t have to turn your world upside down to be earth friendly and thrifty. A few changes here and there can really make a difference in both the energy you use and the money you spend. Here are some tips to help you tame your budget and keep you environmentally responsible.

  • bright room with sunshineUse Natural Light– During the day, open blinds and curtains to let in natural light. Just do this in the rooms you are actually using, otherwise, you’ll be heating the house instead of cooling it.

  • Cool Down-If you want to cool your house and be kind to the environment and your budget, consider these options:
    • Install a programmable thermostat to adjust air while you are away. These thermostats can be set to cool down at night or as your return home. During the day, while you are away, they can have your air conditioner running at a minimum. Nipper Electric offers many residential services and will assist you in installation and programming.

    • Plant trees outside windows to add shade. Make sure they aren’t too close to the home and won’t interfere with power lines.

    • Close blinds in rooms you aren’t using to cut down on air conditioning. Better yet, invest in some thermal curtains or blinds that will help.

    • Install a ceiling fan in popular rooms. This will help cool your home in the summer and help heat it in the winter.

  • Cut Power Bills and Stay Green– Cutting your energy bill means you’ll use less power which is better for the environment. This is a lot easier than it sounds.
    • First, know the rates of your electrical company. Many power companies have lower rates during certain times of the day. If possible, adjust usage to fit the low rate schedule. For instance, charge devices at night, do laundry and dishes in off hours.

    • Use Dimmers or Timers for lights. Lights with dimmers, timers or sensors can drastically cut down on the amount of energy you use. If you get motion activated lights for your home, even better. You’ll save a lot of time fussing about lights be left on.

    • Use Better Bulbs- CFLs, LEDs, and Halogen lights all work better than traditional incandescent lighting. They give off little to no heat, provide the same amount of light and use less energy. They also last longer. Though the initial costs are more, you will save money from their energy usage, cooler temperatures and replacement timetable.

    • Go Solar! If you don’t currently have solar power, switching is easy and quickly rewarding. Solar power will not only save you money, it could make you money. Occasionally solar panels collect an excess of power. Some power companies will pay cash or energy credits for the extra electricity. Also, there are many financial options, rebates, incentives and tax credits for going solar!

Bring on the Green!

trees growing on coinsNo matter what changes you make, your wallet will see the difference and the environment will have a little more green. Nipper Electric will help you adjust your electrical use to suit your needs. From LED conversions to programmable thermostats or solar panel installations, there really is no green job we can’t handle. Call us today at 757=842-1710 to start saving today. Or make an appointment online while you relax by the beach. We’ll have your home running on green energy in no time!

Staying Green for Summer

Monday, August 8, 2016

Outdoor Improvements Make Summer Fun

Professional Electricians Update Your Outdoors

As summer winds down, a lot of us are trying to enjoy the last moments of freedom outside. Your backyard could become your summer get away with a few improvements. Nipper Electric is the trusted Virginia Beach electricians for creating and improving outdoor spaces. We offer a variety of services to bring more fun outdoors, including:

  • ceiling fanPool and Hot Tub Wiring

  • Ceiling Fan Installations

  • Flat Screen TV Installations

  • Dock Maintenance and Wiring

  • GFCI Receptacle Installations

  • Landscape and Outdoor Lighting

  • Pathway Lighting

These are just a few ways we help turn outdoor spaces into favorite places!

Bring the Summer Fun Home

Getting the most out of your outdoor spaces is easy with a few adjustments. Plus these changes can add incredible value to your home! Check out some of these ideas for your favorite open-air spaces!

  • Decks/Patios– Decks and patios are often a favorite spot for relaxing and enjoying the outdoors all year long. Here are a few additions or remodels you can use to make your deck or patio even better.

    • Ceiling Fans– Ceiling fans not only cool things down, they can also prevent bugs and dust. Plus, in fall and winter, they can warm things up. Simply adjust the direction and the fan will circulate warm air instead. Be sure to use outdoor equipment when you install ceiling fans outside.

    • flat screen installations - NipperElectricFlat Screen TVs– An outdoor flat screen TV can be the perfect solution for game day. You can sit back and enjoy the game outside. Noise levels will be lowered and guests will be able to enjoy your BBQ! Nipper Electric has the experience and skill with installing outdoor flat screens, just ask us how!

    • Permanent Grills– Putting in a permanent grill creates a whole new level of cooking. It’s healthier and, even better since you are creating heat inside, you’ll actually save energy and money when you cook outside!

    • Outdoor lighting– The right kind of lighting can turn any space into a relaxing place to unwind or entertain guests. Keep lighting at a medium level so you can see your guests, but not so bright it blinds you. Be sure to include pathway lighting, so you can get around safely.

  • Pools– If your pool is the central part of your summer, be sure you can use it after work too. Nothing is more relaxing than a night-time swim. Make sure your pool lights are safe and light up major areas of your pool, like exits, entrances, and deeper areas of the pool. Also be sure the pool patios and the walkways are well lit. Include some sound systems for even more fun.

  • Docks– Summer and fishing go hand in hand. Enjoy more hours fishing with proper electrical installations and electrical maintenance on your dock. Include power pedestals, separate circuit wiring, deck lighting and boat lifts to extend your summertime fun and the life of your boat.

  • orginized garage with bike and toolsGarage Spaces– If you have a garage, chances are it’s sitting idle or simply used for storage. Don’t hesitate to upgrade your garage. It can become your personal Man Cave with some temperature control and a Flat Screen TV. Or, maybe change it to a family spot for creating with work benches and a ceiling fan. Make the most of your space and turn it into whatever you like!

Live Life to the Fullest With Outdoor Spaces

Being outside makes everyone feel better. Take advantage of that feeling by making your outdoor space more accommodating with outdoor entertainment spaces or small improvements. Nipper Electric will help you install the perfect additions or bring you favorite ones up to date. Call us today at 757-842-1710, or make an appointment online while you watch the sunset. We’ll have your backyard paradise ready before you know it.

Outdoor Improvements Make Summer Fun

Monday, August 1, 2016

Beat Sweltering Summer Overheating

Keep Your Home Cool with Virginia Beach’s Best Professional Electricians

The dog days of summer are here. As you sweat through these hot days, the last thing you want to do is come home to a blown fuse or an overheated air conditioner. Nipper Electric helps you prevent or repair summer overheating issues or surprises that pop up along the way. We offer a wide range of services that will keep your home running comfortably all summer long, these services include:

Summertime can do a real number on your electrical systems at home and at work. Keep your air conditioner running and your electric on with a few careful tips.

Overheating and blown fuses are a common and serious issue for summer. Worn out electrical wiring , overworked air conditioners and stressed out electrical panels can all lead to a sweltering home. Here are a few ways to address summertime overheating issues before they begin.

Overheating Issues

Summer is a fun and lazy time for many of us. For our home electrical systems, summer is a busy, overwhelming time. Kids are home from school, the air conditioner runs all day, electrical devices are plugged in and TVs are running every night. All this electrical demand can overload and overheat electrical panels. There are a few ways to solve this problem.

  • outside electrical panel upgrade - NipperElectricCheck Your Electrical Load– Make sure you know the amount of power you are using. You have to make sure your usage doesn’t exceed the amount of power your panel can hold. Your trusted electrician like Nipper Electric can help measure your load. You can also look into adding solar panels to offset the demand and lower power bills.

  • Track Electrical Use- Find the time when there is the highest demand on your panel. Cut back on unnecessary use during this time. Charge devices at night, run laundry during low usage times. This can also cut back on your power bill.

  • Check the Wiring-If you have aluminum wiring in your home, you may have some loose connections. This can be a serious problem. Loose connections can lead to electrical failure and house fires. It can also be a simple problem to fix. A reliable electrician like Nipper Electric can install connectors, pigtail aluminum wiring or rewire your home, depending on the extent of the problem.

  • Solar Power Overheating- The incredible amount of solar energy gathered during summer can occasionally lead to overheating, specifically in water heaters. The secret is really in the installation process. Make sure your solar panels are installed at the right angle and your solar system is able to store the right amount of solar power.

Keep It Cool All Summer

Don’t let overheating ruin your summer, Nipper Electric can keep your home cool and relaxing. If you aren’t sure about your electrical system, we can quickly and conveniently check your entire system. Call us today at 757-842-1710 or make an appointment online. We’ll keep your home cool and refreshing all summer!

Beat Sweltering Summer Overheating