Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Power Outage

Electricians Provide Solution to Low Power or Power Outages

A power outage can happen at any time for multiple reasons. It can also completely interrupt your day and possibly damage some of your treasured appliances and devices. Before you start googling phrases like, “why is there no power to my house?” professional electricians, Nipper Electric can help you prevent, prepare, and recover from loss of power to your house. Our experienced team of electricians can help keep your power running strong with services that include:

Our staff knows how serious a power outage can be and we have the tools to help you avoid or rebound from power outages.

What is a Power Outage?

When most people think of a power outage, they think of complete darkness. However, there are differing degrees of power outages. The three main types of power outages are:

  • Permanent Fault– Large loss of power caused to a big area that is often caused by a fault somewhere on the power line. This will have everyone in your area asking, “Why is there no electricity to my house?”

  • Brown Outs– A brown out occurs when there is a sudden drop in the voltage, often dimming lights. This can often be due to intentional low power by electrical companies. Intentional brown outs are done to try to lower electrical usage.

  • Blackouts– The most famous type of power outage, blackouts occur on a huge scale. They affect a large area and can last for a long time. Often blackouts are caused by tripping wires at a power plant or station.

  • Internal Outages– Often the most common of power outages, internal outages are caused by issues inside the home and may have you wondering why you are having a loss of power to your house, while your neighbors don’t.

Dominion website tracks all blackouts which you can also see on the map. They provide in details how many customers are out and how many current projects are in the area. Click Here to see the power outage map for Virginia. You can also report a power outage on power company website Dominion Power.

Each of these power outages can have different causes and solutions. As professional licensed electricians, Nipper Electric knows how to spot the difference between these outages and how to find solutions to your low power or power outage. 

What Causes a Power Outage?

lightning strikePower outages are caused by many different things. Sometimes the causes are within your control, but often they are not. Causes of power outages include:

  • Storms

  • Power Company Issues

  • Accidents

  • Overheating

  • Overloaded Panels

  • Faulty Wiring

How to Prepare for Power Outage?

While you can’t always prevent a power outage, you can often prepare for a power outage. In some cases, you will need to contact your electrical company for professional help. Other times, professional electricians like Nipper Electric can help you solve electrical issues or install additions that will help your home stay safe in the case of a power outage. Some things to consider adding in the case of a power outage are:

Help prevent power outages, consider these precautions:

Safety During Power Out

The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is the leading non-profit organization dedicated promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace. Over the years, ESFI has created unique awareness and designed educational resources to provide the diverse needs of a variety of at-risk groups. They have created amazing disaster safety page with beautiful inforaphic to help people stay safe during power outage and other disasters.

How to minimize loss of power in your home?

  • wires on fireMaintain and Repair Meter Boxes

  • Maintain and Repair Wiring

  • Maintain and Repair Weatherheads

  • Keep Outside Outlets Protected From Water with GFCI Installations

  • Update Your Panel to Meet Your Electrical Load

  • Perform Yearly Electrical Home Inspection

When you think about it, electricity affects every aspect of your life; yet often, you take it for granted… until it isn’t working properly, especially when it’s not working in your home. These are just few of examples in our home that we expect electricity to always work for us:

  • When you flip a switch, what happens? A light comes on!

  • When you open your fridge, what do you find? Cold food!

  • And when you turn down your thermostat, what happens? You air conditioner kicks on!

No Power Only in My House

When you notice that you are the only one in the neighborhood that is experiencing power failure it will typically mean that it is isolated issue to your home only. Next step would be to call local electrician and have them find and determine a root of the electricity outage to avoid any serious damage to yourself or your home.

Your dependence on electricity is a huge reason why you should pay attention to any irregularities that you may have noticed in the past or are experiencing now and have ignored. They can be early signs of a potentially bigger problem:

  • 2 bulbs onLight bulbs burning out frequently – It could be more than just overuse; you may have a loose connection in the socket or circuit. And recessed lights that go out may do so because they’re too hot because of nearby insulation. If operating properly, recessed lights are designed to shut themselves off in those cases, so as not to create a fire hazard.

  • Flickering and dimming lights – This could be a sign of a poor connection in your circuit and can lead to eventual arching!

  • Dead outlets – A poor connection could be the culprit again, or it tripped to prevent an excessive heat build-up that could result in the outlet melting.

  • Warm switches and fixtures – This is definitely a safety concern and should be addressed immediately.

  • Tripping breakers – Usually a sign that a circuit is drawing too much electricity and you’re experiencing an overload. If this happens constantly, it is definitely a potential fire risk. You should add a circuit or even consider upgrading your electrical service.

These are few of the many electrical issues that can be seen in a home. And it should also be pointed out that these may not be the exact reasons why these problems are occurring; there may be a host of others that we haven’t discussed. Often, it’s not a large issue you’re dealing with, but it’s really not worth gambling with your health and safety. You don’t want to be one of the thousands of people who experience a home-fire due to an ignored electrical problem.

Electrical Home Inspection

It’s important to give your home a complete safety inspection at least once a year. Look in your panel for burning or corrosion, tighten the breakers, and test its load and voltage with a voltage meter. Also, evaluate your outlets with a ground fault circuit interrupter device; look over any exposed wiring in your attic, basement, and crawl space; and examine your main disconnect box to see if it’s working properly.

All of these things will help prevent internal power outages and can even protect from outside power outages. If you have a question about any of these things, or you’re not certain how to do these things, don’t have the right tools, or would just like a second opinion contact Nipper Electric today at 757-842-1710 or make an appointment online. We are here to keep your home running and your family safe.

Power Outage

Monday, September 26, 2016

Protect Home From Summer Storm Surges

Trusted Electricians Help You Get Prepared

Late summer days bring thunderstorms and lightning. This extreme weather can wreak havoc on your electrical system, special devices and even cause fires. More people are at home using more electricity, this can also lead to special electrical issues in your home. Virginia Beach trusted electricians, Nipper Electric help prevent damage and provide protection to your home and devices. We are the preferred electrician in the Virginia Beach area for almost 18 years. We offer:

  • lightning strikeLicensed and Experienced Electricians

  • Same Day Services Available

  • Free Estimates

  • Clear-Cut Pricing

  • Work  Guarantee

  • Trusted Brands, Siemens, G.E., Square D, Generac and more

  • Warranties on Labor

  • Discounts for Military, Police, Teachers and Senior Citizens and Firemen

You can trust your home or office with us for any issues. There’s no job too big or too small, we do them all with friendly, efficient work. Our team loves keeping the Virginia Beach area safe.

How Electrical Damage Occurs

There are many things that can create electrical damage to your home. The most difficult ones to prepare for involve lightning and power surges.

Lightning –As lightning strikes, it is looking for the easiest  path to the ground. Unfortunately, homes and businesses offer many potential routes to the ground.  Not only that, but lightning can jump from one conductive supplier to another. This puts the house in considerable danger, these dangers include:

  • Shock Waves: The power felt from thunder can actually break things that are close by, including windows, walls, and even concrete.

  • Fire: It is not uncommon for attics or roofs to be set on fire if hit by lightning. But your electrical can also become a fire hazard if the lightning has coursed through it. Connections will be weakened, wires may have been burned up or warped. It is important that you check these issues immediately after any storm or any strange occurrences in your electrical systems.

  • Wear and Tear: It may go unnoticed, but after any storm there could be wear and tear on your weatherhead, power lines, electrical outlets or even wiring. Nipper Electric is available to help diagnose issues for your home or business.

Prevention and Preparation for Lightning : It’s hard to protect or prepare for lightning to strike because you never know when or how it might hit your home.

Your best options are:

  • Make sure your home electrical is in good shape.

  • Keep trees trimmed and away from power lines and cables.

  • Check power lines, weatherheads, cables and any area where power enters the home.

  • Consider installing a generator to help protect devices from power outages.

Power Surges & Spikes-Power surges or spikes create an extra flood of power through your electrical system, striking can happen quickly and without warning. The damage they do to devices is often irreversible. Here are some common cause of power surges:

  • Lightning: That’s right, lightning can create a power surge in your home that will run through your electrical system and often fry your wires.

  • Bad Wiring– While bad wiring doesn’t cause power surges, it does lower the ability of your electrical system to withstand surges.

  • High Demand Devices– Your big electricity consumers, like space heaters, refrigerators, stoves, or air conditioners, can also create a power surge.

outdoor main electric panels

Prevention and Protection from Power Surges: When it comes to these power surges, there are many options to prevent power surges or provide protection against them.

  • Double check wiring. Watch for signs of faulty wiring like flickering lights, hot outlets or sparking plugs. Have these issues addressed immediately by a trusted electrician like Nipper Electric.

  • Track your electrical usage and make sure your panel is able to handle the electrical load. If not, look into adding another panel or upgrading the one you have.

  • Install a whole house surge protector kit. These kits help protect devices like computers, smart TVs, refrigerators and more. They work by slowing down or draining surges as they occur. This diverts them from other electrical devices.

Prevention and Protection for Your Home

NipperElectric logoElectrical issues happen, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work to be prepared. Nipper Electric works with our clients to provide protection or if needed, repairs to systems at reasonable prices. We want to make sure your home or office is safe. Call us at 757-842-1710 today or make an appointment online to start protecting your home.

Protect Home From Summer Storm Surges

Monday, September 12, 2016

Fall Energy Saving Tips

Find Extra Money with Ideas from Professional Electricians

Fall is right around the corner and for the Virginia Beach area, that means holidays, gamedays, and cooler weather are all on their way. If this time of year is the beginning of your busiest time of year, planning ahead can make all the difference. Nipper Electric knows how busy and overwhelming the fall and winter seasons can become, so we want to help you with a few energy saving tips that will put more money in your pocket and more time in your day.

money flying above solar panels

Cutting Back Doesn’t Mean Giving Up Things You Love

Gearing up for football season, harvest festivals, holidays and cooler weather can really take its toll on our time and our money. But cutting back on spending doesn’t mean you have to give up the things you love. If you use smart energy efficient tips, you can enjoy all the things you love and still come out on top. Here’s where to start.

  • neon-bulb-on-coinsLighting- Lighting your home, particularly during the holidays, is expensive. You can drastically cut down on your lighting costs, even with holiday lights, when you choose the right bulb. A CFL or LED light bulb will save you at least 75% of the costs you use for traditional lighting. That means you could potentially save over $3.00 per light bulb in your house a year. Add up all the lights in your house and see how much that could mean for you!

  • Heating and Air- In our homes and offices, heating and air conditioning make up almost 50% of our electrical costs. You can cut down on heating and air costs in a lot of different ways, including.

  • Install Ceiling Fans- Using a ceiling fan can cut down on costs all year long. Turn the to the clockwise position in winter to circulate warm air and then switch to counter-clockwise during summer to bring cool air downward.

  • Curtain Control- Good curtains with insulated backing can actually help keep things cool or warm things up. Open curtains during warm parts of the day to let in natural light and warm up rooms in the chilly part of fall, then close them during winter or summer months to keep out hot and cold.

  • Programmable Thermostats- A programmable thermostat saves you time, energy, and money. It also keeps your home comfortable year round. Simply install and program the thermostat to comfortable temperature settings for the times you are home and it will automatically adjust the temperature. These automatic adjustments can be made while you are away from the home so you aren’t using air or heat during times the house sits empty.

  • Household Chores- Save the chores for low impact times during the day. Many power companies have different costs for different times of the day. If you do chores like running the dishwasher, laundry, cooking, and charging devices during low peak times, you can save a little green all year long.

  • Go Green- Take the plunge and make your home energy efficient. You can do this all at once or with little changes throughout the year. Solar power is always an option. Nipper Electric regularly installs solar panels, EV charging stations, LED conversions, and even solar powered outdoor security lighting. Any of these changes will make a big difference in your electrical costs.

tree leaveBe Prepared for Fall

From football to Halloween to cooler weather, fall and winter can quickly overwhelm our schedules and our pockets. Nipper Electric can get you ready for the upcoming months with simple installations or big technology changes. Remember, no job is too big or too small! So call us today at 757-842-1710 or make an appointment online. We’ll get you started saving money today!

Fall Energy Saving Tips