Monday, November 21, 2016

Top Holiday Crime Prevention Tips

Professional Electricians Help Keep Virginia Beach Safe

kids-on-snow-sladesNipper Electric loves our neighbors and friends here in Virginia Beach, so we’ve want to share some top holiday crime prevention tips to keep you and your families safe. Have a strategy and taking a few precautions with your lighting or alarm systems can help prevent theft.

Don’t Be Scared, Be Prepared

The holiday shopping season is just about to begin and with all that hustle and bustle comes much higher rates for theft. In fact, in some areas, you are almost 50% more likely to be a victim of theft during this time of year. Your safety is important to us. Please follow these tips and stay aware this holiday season.

Shopping Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

  • Shop in Groups or Pairs- If it is possible, find a shopping buddy. Large groups or even pairs of people are less likely to be robbed.

  • Outdoor Security Lighting - NipperElectricStay AwareIf you’re with a friend or alone, always be aware of your surroundings. Watch the areas around you, notice people that seem out of place. Always know the following things:
    • Where your car is parked.

    • Where your keys are.

    • Where your phone is.

    • Who is near you or behind you.

    • Where the nearest safe place is from where you are (a security desk, mall entrance, police station, etc.)

  • Be ReadyIf you’re heading to your car, make sure your keys are out and you are ready to enter your car.

  • Park in Well-Lit AreasFind a space that is located under or near a good lighting source. Criminals are often deterred by proper lighting. If your business doesn’t have enough outdoor lighting, contact Nipper Electric and we can help you create better safety measures for your clients and staff. We can also install timers and/or sensors to your personal security lighting if needed.

  • Keep Packages and Valuables HiddenMake sure any valuables or recently purchased items are out of sight when you park your car. One valuable item can lead to a break-in. For more information on what thieves are looking for this season, here’s a guide to the top items stolen during the holiday season.

  • Keep Your Money CloseIf you carry a purse, make sure it is kept close to your body. Also, store your wallet within an inside pocket of your coat. When possible, don’t carry large amounts of cash. Criminals are looking for an easy job with a good payoff. Keep your money out of their line of sight. Businesses and companies can look for more security with extra information storage spaces, like generators or additional data spaces.

  • police-manAvoid Purchasing & Carrying Lots of ItemsIf you can, try to streamline your shopping, or find trusted people to help you carry your items to your car. If you are a family business or retail company, have a member of staff readily available to assist customers. As a client, make sure you know the helpful staff works for the business, don’t allow just anyone to carry your packages.

  • Shopping With ChildrenIf you have children shopping with you, make sure you have a plan for if you get separated.
    • Tell them a safe place to meet you if they can’t find you.

    • Make sure they know who to go to when they feel unsafe or lost. Usually a security officer, store guard, or store clerk.

Safety Starts with a Smart Strategy

Nipper Electric Logo big

The holiday season has a higher crime rate than most other seasons. However, if you are prepared, you can avoid theft and dangerous situations.
Nipper Electric is here for the Virginia Beach Community. We will help you protect your home or business and work to prevent crime. Call us today at 757-842-1710 or make an appointment online to find out how we can increase your home or office security.

Top Holiday Crime Prevention Tips

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